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Mental Health

Resources and Ideas

Resources I Found Helpful


This pillar is the list of people I follow on social media, listen to their podcasts and find inspiration to make me want to do what I do every day.  Check out them out and learn from the best to improve your life and those around you.


David Goggins - David Goggins


Joe Rogan - Joe Rogan


Tom Bilyeu - Impact Theory


This pillar is a list of books I found to have had an influence and have helped me with a variety of topics.


Can't Hurt Me ~ David Goggins


Eat That Frog! ~ Brian Tracy


Endure ~ Cameron Hanes, David Goggins, Joe Rogan


Own The Day, Own Your Life ~ Aubrey Marcus


The Miracle Morning ~ Hal Elrod


12 Rules for Life ~ Jordan Peterson


This pillar is a listing of therapies that is helpful for their own reasons and differ from each other.




Cold Showers - Reduction in  inflammation and pain.  Improved  circulation, lowers stress and increases alertness. Provides clarity of mind/thought.



Massage - Relieves muscle tension and pain.



Meditation - Helps manage stress and reduces hyperactivity of the body's immune system. Calms the mind, which lowers cortisol levels in the body.

Reflexology - A natural therapy using pressure points to help regulate organs and glands, reduce pain and inflammation. Helps tremendously with pain management, stress/anxiety/sleep and general overall health/well being.


Reiki - A therapy uses the power of spiritual energy to heal the body and improve its overall balance. The idea is that problems within the body stem from blocked or disturbed energy pathways.


Yoga - Another stress reducer.  Balances hormones, improves mobility, helps calm the mind, and helps reduce pain. Improves core muscle strength/balance, as well as mind/body connectivity.


This pillar is a list of sites/social media platforms or podcasts that are a great resource to give you motivation in discovering why you should change your lifestyle or help someone else alter something in their lives and can to inspire you to actually act.


Joey Schweitzer ~ Better Ideas


Dr. Eric Berg

Rob Dial ~ The Mindset Mentor  (podcast)






For Friends and Family

Let's talk about friends and family.  How they cope.  How they do not cope.  How they can better communicate and help you in times of need.  When to give you space and how give support in person and from a distance.

Motivation and Inspiration

Finding motivation to find why you should change your life and those around and inspiration to make you act upon your reason why.

The more I improve myself,

the more I can help

the world around me

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